Homebrew WiiRenew
So we did it… no, I did it. I’m a fan of using hardware to its utmost capacity. The Wii in this respect has been a let down from power on after unboxing. After a year I heard of Homebrew, because I’m an emulator enthusiast. It’s popular among those looking for good gaming experiences. These are like diamonds among the coal. After some effort, I discovered Homebrew was risky. Too risky.
A black brick of plastic does not comfort make, thank you.
So I waited. It turns out I was waiting for the safe solution, which arrived in the form of Letterbomb. Look it up. This lovely piece of software enabled me to install HackMii and the HomeBrew Browser without risking my Wii to the trash. It succeeded. In fact, it was easy. HomeBrew Browser and Linux have revitalized my interest in the Wii entirely.
So far it’s the most successful media centre I’ve ever set up. A portable, USB powered hard drive has turned this software-lonesome console into the family treasure. From music, video, to YouTube and Netflix, this bad boy now meets our needs in a way Nintendo would rather we bought a new system to achieve. As I understand it the Wii U has limited storage capacity.
This has been boiled into a major issue valium no prescription that it simply isn’t. WiiMC grants network shares via Samba, which Microsoft has all but cut out of its OS. Being a Linux user, this presents no problem to me.
Okay, so I grant this isn’t an experiment for the inexperienced. However, the worst risk you take is having your patch fail to work.
Literally nothing lost.
These days emulation is all the rage. Have a few old Neo-Geo carts lying around but no system? Old Playstation discs but no hardware to play it on? Emulation is your answer as its legally permissible to backup your software if you own paid copies.
Now your Wii is more than just a Netflix box.
I will admit that Homebrew games are not the draw, unless your interest falls into obscure titles. However, my friend introduced me to Riivolution, which mods New Super Mario Bros Wii into customized games. Impressive, if a little short. You must own the game for them to work.
Nintendo continues to use artificial constructs of DRM and feature-limitations to sell new hardware when the Wii can do what you never quite imagined possible. Older Wii’s can even play DVDs, a feature removed from later models. Yes, mine is one of the later ones. Unfortunately.
Hey Nintendo, that’s your cue to stop wondering where all the hardcore players went.