WordPress is doing a fine job of putting clicks between me and the written word, and don’t get me started on Grammarly. I’ll do that later, anyway. Basically, I’ve been a busy fella. The queries for Sliver of Light have begun; I’ve joined a fairly active NaNoWriMo Discord group; my first freelance writing job is in progress; the job hunt continues… and I’ve a lot of writing to do.
But here’s the thing: It feels good to be in process. Receiving a polite “no thanks” from an agent happened much sooner than I expect, but I was grateful to be heard. That’s all I ask for, and I’ll say that not all agents are good at communicating their interest. That is an article for another time, one I’m working on. Agents have as much a challenge laying out the red carpet as we do building the world they need to sell to publishers… but, I digress.
HonestGamers is providing some valuable insight into my weaknesses and strengths, as the last five reviews will certainly attest to:
20XX Review – A lovely little game with a review one of the gang couldn’t even finish reading… so I re-wrote the entire thing. Good thing I did too, because I’ve had an opportunity to adapt it into a script for a YT channel whose association I shall announce… eventually. Never be precious about your work.
Half Life 2: Lost Coast Review – You don’t really review these sorts of things. It’s a tech demo, after all. However, if you want clomid no prescription some insight into gaming development and the Half Life universe, this one’s a nice catch.
Firewatch Review – Apparently I have a thing for narrative games. This one earned me second place in HG’s Reviews of the Week. That was an unexpected pleasure, and a hint I’ll be taking. I mean, doesn’t this post have a rather narrative style to it? So yeah, more narrative rich games for me from here on. Also, top notch game.
Battlefield 1942 Review – One summer I dove deep into LAN based multiplayer gaming, and I just had to talk about it. Besides, this is the one that “started it all”… though really it was probably Pinball Dreams. To this day it’s still a fun game, even if it’s not so pretty, graphically speaking.
Candy Crush Saga Review – Is it any good? Yes, but the microtransactions are nasty! Summarily a good mental workout, but just watch how much time you sink into it. There are “2000+ levels”. Or so a splash screen told me.
What’s next? I’ve got a few on the burners, and I’m toying with some retro reviews, but they’re low on the priorities, unless they start magically paying my bills. (I’m not counting on it.) With Hurricane Harvey over, Irma is looking havoc right now, so I’m looking to my own needs. As always, one step at a time.
Where is Humble Bundle with Hurricane Humble Bundle, already? I guess the bad news is you can’t charity everyone, even when you try.
Ta for now!