Perhaps it was a little overdue, but Sliver of Light is now appearing chapter-by-chapter on a weekly basis at Medium.com. The whole book! As I’ve worked out the schedule it all will wrap up by the first week of October 2019, barring any delays. A full publication of the novel itself will take place shortly thereafter.
In other happenings, I’m still writing reviews for HonestGamers.com, and there’s a strange little project I’ve taken up that I talk about more in my other blog. I hesitate to get into it here because of the noise it could generate. I’m not interested in that … I just want to enjoy the learning process, and tell a story.
No duh, right?
I’m sure you could relate to this winter being … well, shall I say, unkind. Surviving it is a thing, and I’m happy to report that I will. Yep.
So… yeah. Ta for now!