My thoughts on this new venture

Ever reverted to a cheaper keyboard because your gaming keyboard just types poorly enough to slow you down? Ever mumble into a cheap microphone because you … wait, wait, it sounds like I’m complaining. I’m really not. It’s wonderful to have access to these tools, to be able to pick up and express myself in this way to the world.
Mind you I’ve been doing that for years as a blogger, but this is different. This time you can hear my voice. Inflection has a way of getting your attention, in spite of the tools used to communicate your sound. (Note to self: Use more inflection.)
Anyway… I’m not there yet in terms of anything at this point. Producing the first episode of The Bibliographic Remark was actually the easiest part of the process, since I’m rather comfortable with Audacity and the tools at hand. My setup is pretty good for a start, and I do plan to upgrade. The vocal quality leaves a lot to be desired, though I suppose it’d be okay for a loudspeaker presentation.
I know where this podcast is going, so maybe I’ll fill you in a little about that goal, here. My long term goal is to become a professor of history and English. Yep. As much as I’ve enjoyed being a techie, that’s not where the future is headed. Do I sound like a total nutjob saying that? I must, but hear me out: Technology is settled in.
I mean that. Yes there are improvements, but now the restraints are appearing in the viability of the manufacturing process, even though the industry would have you believe that all is hunky-dory and they’re prepared to push 7nm and beyond. Whether they can do it isn’t the question. It is, rather, whether these specific advances can be brought to mass market, especially under the current political and economic conditions we’re experiencing now.
What the future brings remains to be seen, but for my part in it I will be looking back to gain a more thorough understanding of the future. It does not behoove us to forget the struggles that brought us to where we are. Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” is a fine example of that. You might be interested in what I have to say about it as a Latter Day Saint. I hope so.
What I can promise, going forward, is that I’ll be certain to cite and quote from prophets, authorities and scripture when referring to specific doctrine, particularly when I need to be clear about what is doctrine, and what is my opinion, feeling or experience in reference to the topic at hand. That will be a little more relevant in Episode 2, I think, since Eisenhower was a more formidable military and public figure than the Obamas were. One of the complaints against President Obama, as I understand it, was his weakness in certain military initiatives.
I don’t have examples – the military isn’t my purview, but I’m open to feedback if you’ve any thoughts on the matter.
One thing that bothers me about this premier episode now is its length. 15 minutes to me seemed much too short, and it was quite manageable to record, so I’ll put it to you: What would you like to hear more of? Let me know! Yes I do plan to include feedback in future episodes. Have you read Becoming? What were your thoughts?
I’m looking forward to more of these episodes, and in spite of my initial hesitance, I’ve got the next two episodes planned. The second, as mentioned, will be David A. Nichols’ “Eisenhower 1956”, which will be followed by “The Death of Expertise” by Tom Nichols. I wonder how many Nichols I’ll need before I can afford premium access at Podbean?
Oh, I’m not sorry for that. That is, however, all I’ve got for now. Ta!