Vitals Published/Developed by Behold Studios Platform(s): Windows, Linux & Mac. To Be Announced for XBox One, Playstation 3/4 and Vita Steam for $14.99 CDN -|- for $14.99 USD (DRM Free) Consider also: Chroma Squad Soundtrack on Steam or Bandcamp Power Rangers, Saban’s imitation of the sentai hero genre in...
PC gamers have it rough. Not only must we build and maintain our hardware, cover all of the associated costs of ownership, we’ve got to wade through what is – in 2015-16 – an endless sea of game bundles, remakes and remasters, demakes and community made mods. Sometimes the game...
Before we press on, the bundle dealer list is at the bottom of the page, so if you’re in a hurry, click to skip right to the dealer list. Humble Bundle, Indie Gala, Indie Royale, Bundle Stars and more. Choose what you pay bundles have become a go-to for budget...
Vitals Published/Developed by Facepalm Games – Link Platform(s): XBox 360, Playstation 3/4/Vita and PC (Windows) Retails via Digital Download Retails via: Steam ($14.99 CDN) -|- Direct from Developer $14.99 (CDN) -|- for $14.99 -|- XBox Marketplace for $14.99 Playstation Network for $14.99 – Search Results I crept more than...
Vitals Published/Developed by Drinkbox Studios Platform(s): XBox 360, Playstation 3/4 and Vita, Windows, Linux & Mac Retails via Digital Download and Your Local Gaming Retailer Developer for $14.99 (Gold Edition) Steam for $14.99 (Gold Edition) or $14.99 (Super Turbo Championship Edition) for $14.99 (STCE) -|- XBox Marketplace for $14.99...
Vitals Published/Developed by Polytron Coporation / Trapdoor Platform(s): Xbox 360, Playstation 3/4 and Vita, Windows, Linux & Mac Retails via Digital Download and Your Local Gaming Retailer Steam for $10.99 (CDN) -|- for $9.99 (USD/CDN) Playstation Network for $12.99 or Demo (Free) – Search Results Indie developed titles and...
Vitals Published/Developed by Dylan Fitterer Platform: (PC) Windows Retails via Digital Download Developer’s Site for $9.99 (USD) -|- Steam for $10.99 (CDN) Consider also: Audiosurf 2 (my review) for $16.99 CDN via Steam or Direct for $14.99 USD This heavily stylized ride puts you on an electronic superhighway generated by...
Vitals Published/Developed by Drogen’s Games Platform: PC (Windows) Retails via Digital Download Developer’s Site for $6.00 (USD) -|- Steam for $6.49 (CDN) Indie developers pride themselves on breaking our expectations of game mechanics by flat-out doing things differently. Sometimes it works, too. However, there are occasions when the function of...
Vitals Published by Microsoft Studios Platform(s): XBox 360/One, Playstation 4, Windows, Linux & Mac Developed by Humble Hearts Retails via Digital Download Steam for $16.99 (CDN) -|- XBox Marketplace for $14.99 (USD) This top rated action platformer stands head and shoulders above its competition and peers. While there are role-playing...
Vitals Published/Developed by Valve Platform(s): Windows, Linux & Mac Retails via Digital Download Steam for $10.99 (CDN) Consider also Half Life Complete for $43.99 High Definition Version: Half Life 2: Update (Free) Let’s get this out of the way: The Half-Life series is an unfinished story for which its players...