As much of a deal hunter as I am, I typically wonder what the motivation for the sale is. Sometimes the candy is a little oily, the food is past it’s “sell by” date, or sometimes you’re getting last season’s software. There’s no mistaking that $12 dollars (USD) for over...
article / economics / gaming / good help / good things / guide / minecraft / online services / practical challenges
PC gamers have it rough. Not only must we build and maintain our hardware, cover all of the associated costs of ownership, we’ve got to wade through what is – in 2015-16 – an endless sea of game bundles, remakes and remasters, demakes and community made mods. Sometimes the game...
‘Psuedo-random’ is how I heard a programmer refer to most number generators. What makes one truly random I have no idea, but a real impact of this process is seeing the same numbers on rapid succession, hence the psuedo.