Another book is on the way, percolating as I go along. Looking forward to learning all the details as I write! Boy am I ever grateful to Heavenly Father for His guidance and inspiration. It even has a title, but that will come in time and there’s even a cover...
It’s pretty normal for me to take a break during the summer, since physiologically it’s just not very comfortable to write – I’m hardly at my best during this season. This year is a little different, though. Whilst looking for a new job I’m putting together a new short story...
Gutenberg is actually getting easier to use. Feedback will do that. Feedback during the writing process, however, is another story. I suggest that while you’re writing, just do it. Don’t let anyone else actively tell you how to tell your story. Instead read a lot and pay plenty of attention...
You see, if the Doctor can become female, why bother? Why not do both? Or neither? Once you start down that rabbit hole, there is no end. What does anything matter if being female, or being male, has no implication or affect on the fabric of humanity?
I can sum up my interest in Marvel heroes in a few words: Selfless, smart, strong, vulnerable and real. Peter Parker embodied those qualities in The Amazing Spider-Man, which my Dad and I read for decades. Well, a decade, but that’s a long time for a comic hero. From that...
Of all the film’s many faults, I’ve had some difficulty deciding what to focus on to illustrate most effectively just where Marvel went wrong with the Avengers: Infinity Wars. I’d like to use this opportunity to explain just how they managed to turn their most well received franchise into a...
It doesn’t look so bad, at first. Gamers start with structures and routines and improve our mental reflexes, test our psychological boundaries and have varying regard for the morality of life. Yes, the absolute morality of family and integrity upon which world culture was founded. Now that we understand that,...
It doesn’t need to be a long discussion. Two major things happened when Microsoft bought Mojang. 1) Non-profitable projects (and features) were cut loose, and 2) Realms. Minecraft “Java” isn’t a steady earner, because it’s not Lego. You buy one set and that’s all you ever need, everything else can...
“Standard fare” was my parting thought after watching DC, and Zack Snyder’s latest cinematic outing in the shapely form of armor clad, whip wielding Wonder Woman. Certainly it was good, but Wonder Woman has never held my interest. Why? She’s boring. I get the whole routine of her being beautiful,...
There were eight people in the theater when my Dad and I went to see Ghost in the Shell’s live action adaptation. For some reason nearly every showing is in 3D, which doesn’t actually hurt this slow burning production. I know – slow burning action movie, right? GITS has a...