WordPress is doing a fine job of putting clicks between me and the written word, and don’t get me started on Grammarly. I’ll do that later, anyway. Basically, I’ve been a busy fella. The queries for Sliver of Light have begun; I’ve joined a fairly active NaNoWriMo Discord group; my...
Where have I been since the beginning of the month? Waiting for Paypal, mostly. Nonetheless, I’m back, and I’ve been busily writing, studying, working on music and reviewing games. Here’s a breakdown with links (which open in a new window): Reviews Kirby’s Epic Yarn (Wii) The Wii was never a...
So it’s been two years since I self published Every One Fight, Bold Curves, A Thief at the Gala and Sector Bomb. How have my books fared? Not too badly. Between them all, just short of 1000 copies have moved across the digital storefronts through which Smashwords distributes my works....
Vitals Developed/Published by: Dylan Fitterer Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac Available via: Steam ($16.99) -|- Direct from Publisher ($14.99 USD) Consider also: Audiosurf ($10 CDN) We’ve been down this road before, but it was bumpier, a little jittery, and underpowered. Acceleration was poor and the brakes squealed, but it was our...
Vitals Published/Developed by Polytron Coporation / Trapdoor Platform(s): Xbox 360, Playstation 3/4 and Vita, Windows, Linux & Mac Retails via Digital Download and Your Local Gaming Retailer Steam for $10.99 (CDN) -|- GOG.com for $9.99 (USD/CDN) Playstation Network for $12.99 or Demo (Free) – Search Results Indie developed titles and...