Farming has never received proper media coverage because it reflects poorly on the state of the industry. We depend heavily on Asia for our MMO experiences, and thus cannot demand that they cut a limb off. Except that one of the largest players in that industry just did.
I find it refreshing that Gabe Newell is taking a Microsoftian approach to the retail offerings of what may revolutionize in-home gaming. Recognizing your influences is part of being a responsible creator. Unfortunately he hasn’t done that this time.
I misspelled “sarcastic” as scartastic. Interesting. Sounds about right to me. We’re so calloused that we’d rather let 4chan do Grimm’s Fairy Tales work than be around to deal with the nitty-gritties as responsible adults of children who need us.
The fact of the matter is that Depositfiles and its ilk are not to blame for the demand. It was a response to a vacuum, like tape decks in a vinyl era, we loved the music and wanted our friends to hear it. CDs, MP3s, we’re going to find ways to share content. These days corporations have more power to push the means by which we do so than ever before, and little guys like Depositfiles are figuring out how to cash in on our habits.
Let it be an example to those big corporations aka Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft (listed in order of customer hearing impaired-ness). Nintendo got a break with Mario – fluke, luck – not market research. Sony is the product of style, a little street cred, hard work and a lot of money. Microsoft is pure marketing, but to survive they’ve turned up their hearing aids.
My nephew and I have decided that Season 3 hasn’t happened.
So I waited. It turns out I was waiting for the safe solution, which arrived in the form of Letterbomb. Look it up. This lovely piece of software enabled me to install HackMii and the HomeBrew Browser without risking my Wii to the trash. It succeeded. In fact, it was easy. HomeBrew Browser and Linux have revitalized my interest in the Wii entirely.
To me, life is precious, and thus according to the respect for it in me desire to tell a worthwhile tale, and not accept corrupt profit models for a few extra dollars. Call it professional suicide, if you like.
There are many brands of online social media, but what is becoming of sites such as Facebook and Tumblr are the users who exploit them, and their intentions. Any enthusiastic Tumblr user can recognize the nature of the social environment, just as observant Facebook playas. This stands to reason and...
The App Store, purportedly the Ivory Tower of Apple’s Digital Empire, improving its status the most powerful digital provider in the world. Unquestionably they tout financial numbers that put them in something of the 1% of the 1% of the fists of cash holders.