So I spent a portion of yesterday healing and editing. My shoulder’s still basically a mess and I overdid it a little. Slow healer, but hey, that’s fine. I wanted to sample something more overtly exciting than Every One Fight for y’all, so here’s a snippet from Little Glass Soul....
I dug this up after releasing someone out there purloined my idea (how? I foolishly used the material on Facebook, and its a commercial on our local radio). Well, okay, I never copyrighted the thing back in 2006, so whatever. I’m glad someone’s making money with it. Meanwhile, here’s what...
Taking a big step: Publishing for the first time ever. Here’s the synopsis and a link to Every One Fight. More thoughts tomorrow. Waiting on Smashwords to approve the novella to Premium.
Vitals Published/Developed by Facepalm Games – Link Platform(s): XBox 360, Playstation 3/4/Vita and PC (Windows) Retails via Digital Download Retails via: Steam ($14.99 CDN) -|- Direct from Developer $14.99 (CDN) -|- for $14.99 -|- XBox Marketplace for $14.99 Playstation Network for $14.99 – Search Results I crept more than...
Vitals Published/Developed by Drinkbox Studios Platform(s): XBox 360, Playstation 3/4 and Vita, Windows, Linux & Mac Retails via Digital Download and Your Local Gaming Retailer Developer for $14.99 (Gold Edition) Steam for $14.99 (Gold Edition) or $14.99 (Super Turbo Championship Edition) for $14.99 (STCE) -|- XBox Marketplace for $14.99...
Vitals Published/Developed by Polytron Coporation / Trapdoor Platform(s): Xbox 360, Playstation 3/4 and Vita, Windows, Linux & Mac Retails via Digital Download and Your Local Gaming Retailer Steam for $10.99 (CDN) -|- for $9.99 (USD/CDN) Playstation Network for $12.99 or Demo (Free) – Search Results Indie developed titles and...
Vitals Published/Developed by Team Nitronic Platform(s): (PC) Windows Retails via Digital Download Developer for Free -|- Consider also Distance for $20.00 (Standard) or $30.00 (Deluxe) Until I was about sixteen I had a body numbing fear of speed. Even virtual presentations of moving rapidly would arrest my senses and cause...
Vitals Published/Developed by Dylan Fitterer Platform: (PC) Windows Retails via Digital Download Developer’s Site for $9.99 (USD) -|- Steam for $10.99 (CDN) Consider also: Audiosurf 2 (my review) for $16.99 CDN via Steam or Direct for $14.99 USD This heavily stylized ride puts you on an electronic superhighway generated by...
Vitals Published/Developed by Drogen’s Games Platform: PC (Windows) Retails via Digital Download Developer’s Site for $6.00 (USD) -|- Steam for $6.49 (CDN) Indie developers pride themselves on breaking our expectations of game mechanics by flat-out doing things differently. Sometimes it works, too. However, there are occasions when the function of...
Vitals Published by Microsoft Studios Platform(s): XBox 360/One, Playstation 4, Windows, Linux & Mac Developed by Humble Hearts Retails via Digital Download Steam for $16.99 (CDN) -|- XBox Marketplace for $14.99 (USD) This top rated action platformer stands head and shoulders above its competition and peers. While there are role-playing...