Vitals Published/Developed by Valve Platform(s): Windows, Linux & Mac Retails via Digital Download Steam for $10.99 (CDN) Consider also Half Life Complete for $43.99 High Definition Version: Half Life 2: Update (Free) Let’s get this out of the way: The Half-Life series is an unfinished story for which its players...

  • April 26, 2014

So who is that article a shill for? Is it to pacify the masses? “Well, I can’t find work today, but I’m not alone, so it’s not so bad.” Is it to soothe the employers? “Everybody’s budget is tight. I have to make money.” It sure isn’t for the unemployed.

  • March 8, 2013

Technology is, however, lost in itself. Wouldn’t be the first time an industry has generated too much product for its own good. We are awash in microprocessors – and we just don’t know what went wrong. How can it all have become so affordable?

  • March 4, 2013

So for the handful of you reading, I apologize, and thank you for your patience while I have sorted things out. Unfortunately in the fracas I managed to misplace half of chapter 7. This means I need to re-write it.

  • February 28, 2013

Each company is scrambling to cannibalize its previous/current customer base and shove us grinning and bleating into the future. Let’s understand that. Whether we want the new systems is not the point. Whether we can afford it will determine the success of Generation Next.

  • February 27, 2013

The heavy hitters of the gaming personal computing industry have been striking out lately, and they don’t appear to know why. Blogphilofilms has a good take on the epic failure of Windows 8. Watch it. He put the nail on the head better than I could have, though I have...

  • February 22, 2013

I know I’ve been pony-and-brony up to this point, and don’t expect I’m not prepared to whup the toddlers over in the fanbase in future just because I’m willing to talk meat about the world situation. Dr. Horrible said it: “The status quo is not quo.” To me that means we need to pony up and look our families and ourselves.

  • February 20, 2013

Injustice and nefariousness abounds. The first and presently only LinkedIn “group” I have joined is loaded with spam. HR managers/employees/ilk promise to have the “best answers” and the “way in” through the myriad questions employers will throw at you.

  • February 18, 2013

In fact I am less impressed with the Bronies who believed this was going to destroy the fanbase. Look guys, you don’t quite understand what’s going on here. Something as wonderful as MLP:FiM takes time to destroy.

  • February 18, 2013

I promised myself to focus on the positive aspects of being a Brony. I know I’m not alone as an MLP:FiM fan, even if my word reach few. Yet even if no one else in the world – that’s right – is willing to do more than comment, I’ll be...

  • February 13, 2013