To me, life is precious, and thus according to the respect for it in me desire to tell a worthwhile tale, and not accept corrupt profit models for a few extra dollars. Call it professional suicide, if you like.
There are many brands of online social media, but what is becoming of sites such as Facebook and Tumblr are the users who exploit them, and their intentions. Any enthusiastic Tumblr user can recognize the nature of the social environment, just as observant Facebook playas. This stands to reason and...
The App Store, purportedly the Ivory Tower of Apple’s Digital Empire, improving its status the most powerful digital provider in the world. Unquestionably they tout financial numbers that put them in something of the 1% of the 1% of the fists of cash holders.
As a character fan, I am a hard sell. Television as a whole does not gather my wool, so to speak. Those who watch Mythbusters unravel many of the worlds most entertaining physics events will relate to my point of view. Really, what else is there to watch besides reruns...