Not much to say this time. The conclusion to Remarkable Objects is live at, as usual. I’ve got another story in the pipeline, but I’m sitting on anything else. Part of the challenge is posting work that’s no less than PG-13, which Remarkable Objects does happen to skirt. I’m...

  • December 10, 2018

The third part of Remarkable Objects – Part Three was posted on schedule, but I have bronchitis at the moment, so getting around to blogging about that has been low on my priorities. Even said, it’s there, so now’s the time to find out what happens next… Penny gave Aaran...

  • December 4, 2018

Well technically it’s the second part of the same story. Remarkable Objects – Part Two is live at Medium, so drop everything you’re doing and check it out! If you haven’t read the first part, why not? It’s right here. Here’s a sample from Part Two: There were about as...

  • November 26, 2018

I’ve been eager to get this out for a while now. This was the story I wrote last year when I decided to challenge myself to daily writing. The result was just short of 20k, almost a novella. Not bad at all. This year is different: NaNoWriMo is real, and...

  • November 19, 2018

Gutenberg is actually getting easier to use. Feedback will do that. Feedback during the writing process, however, is another story. I suggest that while you’re writing, just do it. Don’t let anyone else actively tell you how to tell your story. Instead read a lot and pay plenty of attention...

  • November 12, 2018

Right out of the gate on schedule, “Skitcher” is available to read free at! Details, right? If you enjoyed last week’s story (or any of them, thus far), here’s another! Here’s a sample: The hoots and hollers of the crowd thinned, and behind blasting plate was muted entirely. No...

  • November 5, 2018

Whilst digging more deeply into the always less buggy Gutenberg editor for WordPress, I have cobbled together an announcements page for the release schedule of short stories going up to Medium on Mondays. That’s it! Toodles for now.

  • October 31, 2018

So Soft Hearts, Hard Memories is a hard sell. Given its subject matter, I’m not surprised. Maybe a little disappointed… but I approached that work with no less dedication than any other. Thankfully, I won’t be publishing anything that gritty in the future. No promises, though. My short stories can...

  • October 30, 2018

As promised, I’ve another new short story for y’all available at Medium, so drop what you’re doing and read it! …kidding! Though I’ll admit that’d be a nice sentiment. Here’s a link to the story followed by a sample: By the Pillars, who knows how long that woman has been...

  • October 29, 2018

I’ve prepared my Medium story schedule and laid everything out until the middle of December. By that point I’ll know what put more attention into. I’d rather not post stories that don’t have natural endings. So, every Monday there will be a new short story – and one in four...

  • October 25, 2018