Irritably enough I am reminded that the Cloud is just that. Intangible but enforced by marketers as ever necessary for all tasks. Offline access of files, while crucial, remains awkward. Not seamless, not particularly user friendly either.
Crazy. Each time I get back into tech it’s cheaper and better. Nice screen, snappy performance, loads of features for an almost silly price. Shame Web OS was a flop, it really is a smooth, logical system, and so much more comprehensive than iOS.
So much can get in the way, but for every successful writer I have witnessed one constant: A trail of countless words. Be a critic, be an editor, find your specialty, but don’t stop for a moment. Get a few words in a day, or every other day, once a...
This is the result – after some necessary editing – of the challenge I began alongside NaNoWriMo in November. My first police drama. Enjoy! Remarkable Objects By Simon Woodington Face first on the pavement, no sign of trauma, foul play or … anything that a keen eye or diagnostic hand...
When words won’t do.
This is exactly why I didn’t get into NaNoWriMo. I’ve a story with an ending, now, but it gets in the way of the first part of a novel that needs to be finished. I’d hoped to include it in Bold Curves, but … until it’s ready … that won’t...
Live right now is Sector Bomb, featuring Aaran Coates and Buddy Namiki in their investigation of the attack on Sector 9. WordPress doesn’t like embedding … so here’s an excerpt and a link to the story: Sector Bomb at Smashwords
NaNoWriMo is at hand, so those of you determined to take on the challenge are likely planning meets and/or your method of approach. The recipient of encouragement (the enthusiastic kind), I’m not on the fence about the idea. I plan to utilize the remainder of the month to complete my...
Okay I admit I never said that, but I did mention that this “wonderful new story”, entitled Sliver of Light, would not receive the spoiler treatment. Having totally turnedcoat on that idea, there is now a ‘novel development blog’ which I will be updating whenever it feels appropriate. Not in...
A sample of Ahead on Machined Shoulders available now at Wattpad: [May is the wife of Remy Therison, Aaran. At least in a full prosthetic she can protect herself. Convincing her to keep a bodyguard is not an enviable task. One I’ve been charged with by Garen many times.] [Not...